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Sarwar Autistic Children Welfare Association

Basupara Lane, Khulna, Banglaadesh

This school does not charge any fees from the students for the care the students receive during their stay at the school. The school was founded in 2008 by a family who donated a building with a large yard to be used for the education and care of disabled and autistic children of the local area.

Since the school completely relies on donations from only one family, the school lacks in resources to treat the students effectively. There is no car, van, or other kind of vehicle for the school. There is no refrigeration or air-conditioning in the school, even though the temperature reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit in summer. The school does not have any funds to buy any televisions or other audio-visual equipment or computers which are really essential for the training of students.

The school's teachers need basic and advanced training to handle disabled and autistic children immediately. In order to maintain a minimum standard, the school needs the following: