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Preschool Program

The objective of the preschool program is to build a solid educational foundation for children through a friendly and family-like environment.

Education is a fundamental right and providing access to it would change the lives of many. There are thousands of villages with non-methodological and non-systematic set-up of preschools in Bangladesh. Although the desire to learn is present, a structured educational system is not.

Education at the preschool level would teach children cognitive skills, the English and Bengali alphabets, cultural and social awareness, rhymes, numbers, and coordination. These basic skills will be built upon throughout the children’s elementary education and will become the foundation for all their future learning.

There will be a maximum of 25 students per classroom with an equal ratio of boys to girls. Children from poor families and the physically impaired will be given priority. Teachers, preferably female, should be at least high school graduate.

SHEBI will supervise, monitor and evaluate the program and will help establish such schools by providing learning materials, teachers’ salaries and basic health care information. SHEBI will arrange for the training of the teachers. SHEBI expects this program will build a strong basic foundation in education among younger underprivileged children of Bangladesh.